Front Page

About Stream Dynamics, Inc.

Providing a full range of water harvesting, stream restoration, and erosion control services for homes, businesses, municipalities, and wildlands.

Contact Stream Dynamics, Inc. for a site assessment

Design / Build Policy

Successful application of watershed restoration techniques and water harvesting earthworks are intimately related to the specifics of each site. Stream Dynamics’ maintains a “hands on” policy throughout the entire process – from assessment, design and building, through monitoring and maintenance. This insures fidelity to the design concept, allows us to learn from the project results, and represents a commitment to both the watershed and the landowner to adjust and repair any work until it is functioning properly within the landscape.


Stream Dynamics follows nature’s model when designing a project. Although the motion of water and sediment in a watercourse is determined by the laws of physics, these equations have constantly changing variables and are too complex to solve for natural systems. We therefore select an appropriate stable reference reach to use as an analog model.

Van Clothier of Stream Dynamics, Inc.

Stream Dynamics is based in Silver City, NM. Come visit us at 301 West College Avenue, Suite 2, Silver City, NM 88062.

Guadalupe Montessori earthworks

Book: Let The Water Do The Work

Let The Water Do The Work: Induced Meandering, an Evolving Method for Restoring Incised ChannelsStream Dynamics founder Van Clothier and restoration expert Bill Zeedyk share their years of on-the-ground experience in their book: Let The Water Do The Work: Induced Meandering, an Evolving Method for Restoring Incised Channels. Learn principles of physics in water movement - energy dissipation, sediment transport, and deposition - and learn how to properly restore small and large watersheds.

See more and order the book here.

Current NM stream flow data

Current New Mexico stream flow data - USGS

World wind map

World wind map

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