Volunteer at a Riparian Restoration Weekend in Sonora!
This workshop is hosted by Sky Island Alliance. It is February 22-24, 2013 at Rancho La Esmeralda, Sonora, Mexico (west of Nogales).
Join us on this trip south of the border to kick off our 2013 Sonoran riparian restoration projects! We will be camping at the beautiful Rancho La Esmeralda and doing our part to improve creek-side habitat for neotropical migratory birds. Activities will include transplanting riparian trees and hands-on instruction from Van Clothier of Stream Dynamics.
The plan is to fill up the Sky Island Alliance van with as many people as possible, saving you from having to purchase Mexican car insurance. The fee for each U.S. participant is $40 and will be consistent for all of our Sonoran restoration trips for this project. This does not go to SIA but instead supports the ranch owner for allowing us to camp. Meals are not included and a valid passport is required for U.S. participants.